Dienstag, 20. November 2007

first meeting

If you ask me, the first meeting between Alex and Tom, father and son,
would be emotional, maybe at the beginning a bit inhibited.
I could imagine that Tom would apologize himself and
that Alex would reproach him.

Sonntag, 18. November 2007

questions on questions

This is the best chapter of all the others (four) I have red yet.
Now, at last, I know that Tom does really exist and is not a phantom!!!

Here are my questions:
1.:What is a jack?

2.:Why did they argue?

3.:Why did Alex play a wrong note?

Mittwoch, 14. November 2007

Eudyptula minor

The first disagreement between Alex and dina is about Pinguins!!!
Which is, in my opinion, just idiotic...

While Dina thinks that theese pinguins are cute,
when they bring the fish-supper to theyr babys,
Alex is almost shocked how they are put in spotlight.
To him they look lost and affraid.He asks if they enjoy that,
upon Dani answers:"I thought you liked beeing in the spotlight."(too)
Alex is upset and the two of them do not talk or even look at each other till the hotel.

I was a bit disappointed when I red that the first disagreement is just about pinguins...
I think Dinas reaction is unrealistic and unsuitable,
same that thay went to the summer beach at all.

Sonntag, 11. November 2007

chapter three- St. Mary"s Peak

When Alex and Kevin arrived at the peak
they talked about Tom which made Alex feel sad and angry
because Tom has found another family and because
Alex thinks that he doesn´t mean anything to Tom.
Then it began to rain and so they went back to the tent.
Later Alex had to think again on Tom. He remembered
that Tom should be back in Australia that day and Alex was glad not to
be with him. "LET HIM SEE HOW HE LIKES IT" he thought.

What does that mean?
Well, If you ask me Tom should feel what Alex felt
when he arrived in Australia.
Just to be disappointed and to feel not very important...